A modern Systematic Theology Project(STP)
It was passed out to the ministry by Tkach Sr, his son Tkach Jr, and others shortly after Mr.Armstrong's death in Februrary 1987.
It was called the "Deacon/ Elder Lecture Series"(DELS).
In this series Tkach Jr. said "DELS standardizes instruction and training for all ordained people."(Worldwide News May 25, 1987)
Notice how it mirrors the STP!
Here is a quote from Mr.Armstrong in the Worldwide News Special Edition, 24th June 1985:
"I had not gotten very far out over the Pacific Ocean that afternoon, until in the afternoon session of the conference a voluminous printed work called "Systematic Theology Project," or "STP" for short, was distributed to the ministry with specific instructions that this was a definite outline of basic Church doctrines, and no minister was to preach anything contrary to this treatise."
He said further, "I knew nothing of this STP in spite of claims made by others, until a copy was brought to me by some loyal ministers in late April or early May of 1978 when I then notified every minister in the world to return his copy immediately and ignore all its liberal doctrines and teachings."(Article: Recent History of the Philadelphia Era of the Worldwide Church of God- http://
The "Systematic Theology Project"(STP) produced by the "Doctrinal Committee" WAS ABOLISHED BY CHRIST'S APOSTLE!
The "Doctrinal Committee" was ABOLISHED UTTERLY by Christ's apostle!!!!! Because it had proven that it was an open door to Satan the Devil for liberal ministers to do away with the true doctrines and teachings of God ALMIGHTY, to go around and SUBVERT Christ's apostle and the doctrines that Christ put into the Church through him!
YET a similar program called "DELS" was given to the ministry after Mr.Armstrong's death, and it led the ministry OFF TRACK!
But now some are promoting this "Deacon/Elder Lecture Series"(DELS) that was produced a year AFTER the apostle's death! But they are not being honest in what they are promoting!
They have in fact created their own PDF documents, instead of the original documents, in order to hide the fact that it was a program produced by Tkach Sr and Jr!!!! AFTER Herbert Armstrong's death! But there are original documents that we have and are making available so you can SEE the deception of Satan the Devil! This is what Satan is doing to DECEIVE God's Church ONCE AGAIN! When Christ put the Church BACK ON THE TRACK through Mr.Armstrong, Satan immediately went to the ministers with the "Deacon/Elder Lecture Series(DELS) to WATER DOWN DOCTRINE and to gain their support of false doctrines that were coming down the line!
So why would Satan stop with a formula that worked so well?
And while this dovetails into another act (those who are promoting DELS) are guilty of, of promoting GTA's false gospel along with Mr.Armstrong in order to deceive people into thinking they were a "father and son team that agreed with each other"! This was discussed in a few recent posts on this channel.
The Devil is inspiring perhaps sincere people, but they are sincerely deceived and are sincerely DECEIVING those they are reaching with these materials!
SO WATCH OUT BRETHREN! Don't let impostors deceive you as many have been in years past! HOLD FAST- and REJECT those who come to you promoting "Doctrinal outlines" or "Difficult scriptures". They are taken from the "Deacon/Elder Lecture Series"(DELS) produced by Tkach Sr. and Tkach Jr.!!! They tried to hide this fact, but what they have hidden in the dark is being exposed right now in this article!
Ephesians 5: 11 reads "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them."