We've compiled below a summary of research we have found, both from Church records, and from secular records, on the genealogy of Herbert W Armstrong.
We, the staff of this page, were led to these findings through the research of our own family genealogy, which is interesting enough, connected to this lineage.
It is astounding, and clearly shows how God has been guiding events throughout the last six thousand years to achieve His will.
We would like to present you the story that carries you across time and continents. The story that reveals how God in precise detail worked world events out to raise up His End time Elijah and apostle Herbert W Armstrong, so that through him, the way could be prepared for His son Jesus Christ to return to this earth in supreme POWER AND GLORY as the KING OF KINGS, and the LORD OF LORDS, bringing with him the government of God, of which you and I if we qualify, will be there helping Christ administer.
We begin our story with a son of Israel, Judah.
After Judah, along with all his brothers, had sold his brother Joseph into slavery, he through the widowed daughter of his son, brought forth twins. Zarah and Pharez.(Gen. 38)
Through Zarah the Kingly line of Ireland can be traced.
And it was through this Zarah and Phares line, that we end up to the time of King Zedekiah's fall.
The lineage of the son of Judah, Zarah, is traced through the Irish Kings.
The lineage of Phares, the other son of Judah, is traced through Boaz and Ruth, to King David himself!(Luke 3)
And it was through the Kingly line of David, through King Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi that we find the breach between the Zarah line and the Phares line was healed.
Jeremiah, Baruch his friend and scribe, was carried away with the daughters of King Zedekiah into Egypt, and it was in Egypt that Queen Tea Tephi married Oilioll Olchaoin mac Siorna, prince of Ireland, direct descendant of Zarah, who had been the general for the armies of the Pharaoh of Egypt shortly before.
Queen Tea Tephi along with Jeremiah and Baruch, as explained in Mr.Armstrong's book "United States and Britain in Prophecy" traveled back to Ireland with Oilioll Olchaoin mac Siorna, carrying the Lia-fail stone, the ark of the covenant, and when Queen Tia Tephi and Oilioll Olchaoin mac Siorna(now King of Ireland since his father died)returned, they were married, and the breach between the Zarah and Phares lines was healed.
Now according to early records in Ireland Ollamh Fodhla(Jeremiah the prophet) and his scribe named Baruch brought Queen Tea-Tephi daughter of King Zedekiah and Queen Tea-Tephi marries Oilioll Olchaoin mac Siorna, King of Ireland.
Oilioll Olchaoin mac Siorna they say was crowned over the lia-fail stone when he returned with Queen tea-tephi as his father had died.
( "The Irish Prince and the Hebrew Prophet", New York, 1896, pages 137-145)
King Zedekiah's birth name was Mattaniah(2 Kings 24:17), and he was King "Jehoiakim's" brother(2 Kings 24:17 & 6), and was made King of Judah after his nephew "Jehoiachin"(2 Kings 24:15) was taken by the King of Babylon into captivity.
While in captivity, Jehoiachin begat Shealtiel, who begat Zerubabbel.
Now Zerubabbel's lineage can be traced to Heli, Mary's(mother of Jesus) father. (Luke 3)
Heli, had a brother named Joseph, of Arimathea.
How was Joseph of Arimathea the uncle to Mary, mother of Jesus?
In Luke 3, it speaks of the father of Joseph as "Heli".
Heli had no sons, but he had a daughter "Mary". So the lineage travels from Joseph's wife back in Luke 3.
Heli's father was "Matthat".
One of Matthat's sons was Joseph of Arimathea. How?
“The Sanhedrin had declared Jesus a criminal. According to both Roman and Jewish law, unless the body of an executed criminal was immediately claimed by the next of kin, the body of the victim was cast into a common pit, where as with others, all physical record of them was completely obliterated. Certainly, the fanatical Sadducean element of the Sanhedrin who sought the total extinction of Jesus, even in death, would have allowed nothing short of a legal claim on the body of Christ” (E. Raymond Capt, Traditions of Glastonbury , 1983, p. 20).
So establishing that Joseph of Arimathea was the available next of kin who collected the body of Jesus and placed Jesus in his own tomb. Although a disciple of Jesus in secret for fear.(Matt. 27:57-60; Mark. 15:43-47; Luke. 23:50-55; John 19:38-42)
Now through the lineage of Joseph of Arimathea, you can trace it to the very first "Armstrong" in recorded history. Siward Bjorn (FairBairn) Armstrong.
Now through the Irish king line, down into Scotland you can trace through Queen Tea Tephi's lineage, to King Duncan I of Scotland.
Now King Duncan I, married Siward Bjourne Armstrong's sister named "Suthen". And it is through King Duncan I's lineage, that traces through King Edward I, down through the Stafford's, through the Copeland family, and down to Herbert W Armstrong.
There was a certain family during the time of the Biblical Moses of the levitical line. This family was ordained by God to "Lift up the tabernacle". They later settled in the land surrounding Mt. Hebron, and was called "the Hebronites". Samuel the prophet was of this family line. King David became King of Hebron 7 years before he became King of Israel.
Later as King of Israel, he commissioned this Hebronite/Kohathite(sons of the line of Korah) family to be the royal guards of the King, and to carry the ark of the covenant and the Holy things of the Temple. When coronation came, they would surround the soon to be King. This is what this family continued to do down through the following years to King Zedekiah. King Zedekiah was of this family line as well as biblical records show.
This is the time when the prophet Jeremiah took the daughter of Zedekiah from Mizphah and traveled to Ireland. According to historical records of early Ireland, With Queen Tea Tephi traveled Baruch Jeremiah's scribe, and the ark of the covenant.
Now Baruch descended from the sons of Asaph. He was cousin to the Hebronite family- the sons of Korah.
Now this Hebronite family were the only ones ordained to carry the ark of the covenant. Jeremiah surely did not make the same mistake King David made in carrying the ark of the Covenant? (2 Sam 6) He must have had with him those who were ordained by God to carry the Ark of the Covenant.
So with Jeremiah, Baruch and Queen Tea Tephi, This "Hebronite" line is speculated to have traveled to Ireland.
It is also interesting, that in this very same area, we can find the "Hebrides" a chain of islands in northern Scotland.
And is it not interesting that through these descendants through Ireland and Scotland, that the Lia-Fail Stone was used in the CROWNING of the Royal Kingly line of David in Ireland, Scotland and in England!
Now in Zechariah 6, God reveals a household of this Hebronite family, that took gold and silver, and made CROWNS with it, and then placed the crowns on Joshua the High Priests head. Thus performing the coronation ceremony.
Now this family the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah(Zech 6:10) is very interesting to research.
In 1 Chron. 6:33 & 36, it is revealed that Zephaniah is of this Kohathite family! the very family that was ordained by God to LIFT UP THE TABERNACLE, and to carry to Ark of the Covenant, and to be the ones who surrounded the king during coronation
Mary's(the mother of Jesus) cousin was Elizabeth, of the daughters of Aaron(Luke 1:5).
According to Matthew's genealogy there were three Davidic Kings who had Levite mothers. They are as follows: (1) Abijah whose mother was Michaiah the daughter of the Levite Uriel - 2 Chronicles 13:1-2, (2) Jatham whose mother was Jerushah the daughter of the Levite Zadok - 2 Chronicles 27:1, and (3) Hezekiah whose mother was Abijah the daughter of the Levite Zechariah - 2 Chronicles 29:1.
John the Baptist was of this Hebronite Family! He was called by God to PREPARE THE WAY. Now Mary had a uncle name Joseph of Arimathea. And it is through this lineage you can trace it directly to Herbert W Armstrong, the man God raised up to PREPARE THE WAY FOR CHRIST'S SECOND COMING!
Of this same Hebronite family, that migrated on both sides through the "HEBRIDE" islands of Northern Scotland.
So you see the prophetic words of Zech. 6. That through house pf Josiah the son of Zephaniah, that God ordains and converts Joshua the High Priest.
But notice in Ezra 1-3, that in comparison with Zech. 6:10-15, that the gold and silver was given through ZERUBBABEL(Ezra 1- Sheshbazzar)! Now this reveals what household he was apart of! The house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah!(Zech. 6:10)
Now Joshua the High Priest was often times pictured by God's Church under Mr.Armstrong to that of the second witness of the soon to appear Two Witnesses. As the book of Zechariah and Haggai reveal that God is working through His two witnesses, and only two individuals are being talked about- Zerubbabel and Joshua thus indicating who they represent.
Now the line of Zerubbabel is traced through Joseph of Arimathea. He is of the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah(Zech. 6:10)
But also notice Zechariah 6:14!
"And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the Lord."
Now there is another son of Zephaniah, named HEN obviously present in the household at that time.
This same Hebronite household has two names mentioned in Zechariah 6. "Josiah & hen.
Now what do these names mean?
Amazingly, Josiah means "Bearer of Yah". This family were the of the Levites who were ordained by God to "bear up the tabernacle" in the wilderness under Moses.(Numbers 4)
That tabernacle represents the temple of God, which is the spiritual body of Christ, a spiritual temple, the Church of God today.
Is it any wonder that their descendant, from Zerubbabel, to Joseph of Arimathea, was the very one who "lifted up Jesus Christ's" body and carried it to be placed in His own tomb?
Now what does "Hen"(Zechariah 6:14) mean?
It is actually the Hebrew word "chen" which means "grace".
Now, we found this all out by research our family name "Kitchen", and what we have found out is that our name is actually a descriptive two part name!
Kit, is a Greek name meaning "Bearer of Christ" matching the same definition of "Josiah", and Chen, like "Hen" means "grace".
Now our lineage amazingly does go back to Joseph of Arimathea, and we found out that in our research of our family's name that Mr.Armstrong's family came from the very same line.
But notice!
All of the precious things of God's temple(which now a spiritual temple- the Church of God) was given to the house of JOSIAH the son of Zephaniah, to ZERUBBABEL!
Who was God's end time Zerubbabel brethren?
It was Herbert W Armstrong!
And Jesus Christ through Herbert W Armstrong is preparing HIS TWO WITNESSES, though we do not know who they are as of yet. They will be revealed when it is time, and God will do the revealing!
It is through the teachings that Christ through Herbert W Armstrong taught, the main witness will have been faithful to.
The Second Witness, pictured by Joshua the High Priest, was ordained by Mr.Armstrong. But he being pictured in Zech 3, is wearing filthy garments, not yet fully converted. He is a brand plucked from the fire, picturing the lake of fire.
Another example would be, that he is like the prodigal son who spent his inheritance, who repents and is included with those of God's Church that stand by(Zech. 3:5&7- The angel of the Lord can represent a MESSENGER of God- Mal.3:1;4:5-6??).
It is through his repentance that God gives him change of raiment, and ordains him as the High Priest, or in modern terms as Christ is our High Priest, PASTOR GENERAL over the Church.
But notice whom God is working through to convert Joshua the high priest! The angel of the Lord! Who did God give the Gold and silver to to make crowns for Joshua? ZERUBBABEL!(Ezra 1-3) of the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah!
Now going to Revelation 3:7 you can see that God could be very well speaking of a human MESSENGER over the Church in this Philadelphia Era. That would of course reveal that it is through Herbert W Armstrong Jesus Christ is bringing His Two Witnesses in training!
The main witness representing God's apostle and what was taught through him by Jesus Christ, will have been FAITHFUL to Christ and God's truth, while the second witness requires cleaning up. The main witness represents the Philadelphian's, while the second witness could very well represent the Laodicean brethren.
It could be by the second witnesses repentance, that his example will lead many of our lukewarm brethren to repentance in the great tribulation!
Mr.Armstrong, under Jesus Christ, is the apostle of God's Church!
And it is through him, that God's Church is being prepared and made ready by Christ, and through which the frame work, the foundation is laid. (Zech 4:9).
Now, we make mention of our name, in only context of our research of our family genealogy. We do find it interesting that our name in two parts are mentioned in Zechariah 6, that proves even more how God guided world events throughout the centuries to bring it to a point where he could raised up His apostle Mr.Armstrong.
We, are only here to direct you to GOD'S APOSTLE BRETHREN.
Our whole job it seems that we have been given to do by God is it to expose the deceptions of the counterfeits of Satan, to guide you all to get BACK ON TRACK under God's Government, administered through Jesus Christ, through His apostle Herbert W Armstrong. We do not have a dog in the race, as the saying goes.
We are not after money. We are not after power, position or a following. But Jesus Christ is getting HIS CHURCH READY! Since 1986, God has used my family, specifically my father, to warn wayward brethren and ministers of departing from God's truth that was restored through Mr.Armstrong.
Since 2010, we have been on Social media warning our brethren of the changes in doctrines that these COG groups are teaching, and of the dangers of 1023 certification form of a 501(C)(3) religious organization that binds the membership to a corporate umbrella ruled by the governments of this world.
We've had COG group after COG group try to create counterfeits of what God has led us to do, and are trying to build up a database and a place of worship where you can feel invited to attend, but are in fact being readied to be trapped in a corporate legal snare. We've had the GCI and Joe Tkach Jr personally go after us and this page. In the 1990's, Joe Tkach Jr actually created a "Bible study group" in our local area, in order to pull my mother and us kids from my father who he said was "lost in armstrongism". God delivered us through each attack brethren. We've had numerous attempts on our lives and God has protected us every time.
We have not done this of our own accord. We've looked back and we see the fruits being manifested. Now our focus is in directing God's people back to Jesus Christ through His apostle. We have to "make ourselves ready" as the Word of God declares the Bride of Christ WILL DO!
And we must make ourselves ready!
Now, God showed us several dangers of what is happening behind the scenes of these COG groups.
Now in the book of Ezekiel you will read that if a watchman sees a danger and warns not, that the blood of the people would be required by God by his hand! Mr.Armstrong is that Ezekiel Watchman as he has for years taught in God's Church! But we, all of us brethren, are watchmen as well as Mr.Armstrong said before! We are commanded to "watch and pray" by Jesus Christ!
Under Mr.Armstrong, we have a responsibility when God shows us dangers that is destroying brethren, to WARN our brethren of those dangers! And that is what we have been doing, however imperfect.
Now we have not set out to fulfill anything. We just recently came to the knowledge of our family's history and connection to the names mentioned in Zechariah 6. If there is any connection at all.
But Jesus Christ is getting the job done!
And God has been guiding world events and prophecy is being fulfilled! And it all is DIRECTED to the man GOD is using. Herbert W Armstrong.
We are of no concern. We are just laymembers of God's Church, doing our part in warning our brethren.
I don't like to talk about ourselves, especially when it concerns God's Work and Church. We do not hold ourselves very highly. We are not here to preach, although at times we do make some notes on how the truths that Mr.Armstrong and God's Church has preached on are relevant today.
It is Christ through His apostle that is ministering unto God's Church today! That is how His Flock is being fed!
Keep your loyalty to GOD, His son Jesus Christ and His chosen apostle Herbert W Armstrong and all of the truths and doctrines that came through him. Hold fast to God's Government brethren. Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ was revealed through His apostle Mr.Armstrong. All things were restored through him by Jesus Christ. And it was all done by the Holy Spirit of God. And it will be finished by the Spirit of God.
And so right now, Jesus Christ is finishing His Work through His apostle to prepare a bride for Jesus Christ. The Foundation of the Temple will be finished by Zerubbabel(HWA) in this end time. There is no other who stands in the gap. You cannot go around him, like a thief and enter in to the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ IS THE DOOR, and He is working through Herbert W Armstrong. And through His apostle and end time Elijah God is warning the lukewarm brethren and through him Christ is measuring His Church. Stay the course and don't let men lead you astray away from God's wonderful truths that Christ has placed into His Church through His apostle.
Have a wonderful Sabbath everyone.
in Christ's service,
Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES
wwcg-archives.com staff
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