"Fundamentalists push God away from the companionship of His people; they dis-Incarnate Him, they transform Him into an ideology. Therefore, in the name of this ideological God, they kill, attack, destroy, and calumniate. Practically, they transform this God into a Baal, into an idol,” Pope Francis said last year in his first interview with an independent radio station- FM Millennium 106.7 out of Buenos Aires.
I wanted to get right down to what the definition of "Fundamentalism" is, so I looked it up.
Fundamentalism Definition-
"a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture."
"The point we want to stress is that the Bible INTERPRETS ITS OWN SYMBOLS! If we want the TRUTH, we must be guided solely by the BIBLE interpretation, not man's interpretations and imaginations.
And the BIBLE ITSELF tells us what they represent!"- Who is The Beast Booklet by Herbert W Armstrong
"This, then, is GOD'S interpretation. It is decidedly not Herbert W. Armstrong's interpretation. Men ought never to interpret the Bible. The Bible gives us GOD'S OWN INTERPRETATION!"- The Bible, SUPERSTITION OR AUTHORITY?...and can you prove it? Booklet by Herbert W Armstrong
"All these mysteries were long ago revealed by the one supreme authority of all knowledge, but in a coded message not allowed to be revealed and decoded until our time.
The Church was infiltrated during the first century with another gospel. Many false teachings and false churches under the name of “traditional Christianity” arose. As God reveals in Revelation 12:9, the whole world has been deceived. These basic truths have been kept a mystery. Even sincere and well-meaning men among the clergy have received their teaching from other men as handed down traditionally in these churches. They have assumed these false teachings to be the true teachings of the Bible. Instead of putting the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle properly and sensibly together, it has become the practice and custom to read an already-believed false teaching into each particular scripture, taken out of context. In other words to interpret the scriptures to say what they have already been taught and come to believe. The Bible needs no interpretation because it interprets itself. This becomes clear when one sees the various scriptures of each subject properly put together, as the Bible itself says, “here a little, and there a little” (Isa. 28:10). Even the world of a professed traditional Christianity has been deceived."- Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W Armstrong
Allowing GOD to interpret His own words does NOT push people away from God, it draws them closer to Him.
Believing GOD and HIS Word, allowing God to interpret His Word for us, does not transform God into an "ideology", but brings to life HIS REALITY!
God's Church does not kill, attack, destroy or calumniate anyone in the name of GOD.
"The history of the Church shows that it does not attack people, nor attempt to destroy their reputation. The Church only defends when it is accused in order to preserve its name and those of its duly appointed leaders. Such a preservation of its reputation is essential in order not to hinder or impair the accomplishment of its great commission."- Vicious attack against God's Church By Herbert W. Armstrong(Worldwide News, 12th April 1982)
And in believing GOD, believing what HIS Word says and living according to HIS WORD, does not make GOD into an idol like unto BAAL. Allowing GOD'S Word to interpret itself does not make God out to be an idol.It is active REAL Christian LIVING!
It is in fact the action of not allowing God to interpret His own Words that would turn God into an idealism, a false god like Baal.
And throughout history it can be seen that the Catholic Church was behind every murder, every attack, every act of destruction and calumniation against GOD'S people and their relationship with the Eternal God of Heaven. Just look at the inquisition.
Just look at the history of the Jesuit society of Loyola, of which Pope Francis is a member of.
This message being spread abroad by Pope Francis about those who take the literal interpretation of scripture is VERY DANGEROUS concerning Christians everywhere.
GOD'S True Church is being targeted. And the relationship Christians have between their creator is being threatened by the ideology and teaching of the Catholic Church that will soon spread worldwide like a cancer that Jesus Christ will put an end to.
When believing GOD'S Word, without a Catholic Priest to interpret it for us, is seen as a type of "Religious-Terrorism" by the Papal Government, we must realize the times we are in.
Herbert W Armstrong wrote a wonderful booklet called "Who or What is the Prophetic Beast?" that goes into detail on the coming United States of Europe, a world government, being led by a Great Church now in Rome. He goes into detail on how Protestant churches will be joining with this Great Church.
He goes into what the Word of God declares is going to happen very soon to America and Britain and English speaking countries.
To read it, click here- http://
To say the least, what the current Pope has said about "Fundamentalists" is targeting God's True Church around the world, and the relationship we have with God Almighty.
Do we feel the urgency brethren?
Satan is gearing up, and is raging full steam ahead because he knows he has a short time. It is time now, to draw closer to God in prayer, Bible Study, Meditation and fasting. We must make ourselves ready! Because what is coming soon, will wreck havoc on this world and God's people! We are promised protection if we qualify. Those who do not take these things SERIOUSLY will not be protected, and as Revelation 12:17 reveals will be the main target of this coming BEAST system- The United States of Europe. Let's qualify. Let's Overcome. Let's make ourselves ready.
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