Is the day of miracles past? What about "lying miracles"?
Who has the power to heal? Can Satan fool you into believing in a false "healer"? Can Satan deceive you into becoming a "Cannabis Christian"?
"You live in a world that relies primarily on medical doctors to treat illness. Most professing Christians today say: "God raised up medical science for our day. Jesus healed to prove He was the Messiah. But the day of miracles is now past." Some, who think God heals through self-professed faith healers, attend public healing shows. Some believe in healing by one of the forms of "mental science" -- the power of mind over matter. Others say: "Well, I think God can heal -- if it's His will. But how can we know whether it's His will?"
"Yes, people say!
"But what does GOD say?"
to read more about the plain truth about healing click here- http://
But today people are claiming that God created the marijuana plant to heal and cure disease and ailments.
Is that true? Can a plant be the cure for disease? Can it heal?
Is it poison? Or is it healthy? Did God create it to be ingested by human beings?
Some are calling it "the tree of life" reciting Revelation 22:2 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." But those of God's true Church can see the fallacy in this claim.
They also quote Genesis 1:27-31 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
" And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
" And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
" And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
" And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."
But does that mean every herbs, every tree, every beast, every fowl, and every creeping thing is made for human consumption? God forbid!
"Notice, before the flood, Noah took into the ark of the clean animals, to be eaten for food, by sevens; but of the unclean, of which he was not to eat during the flood, by two's--only enough to preserve their lives. The inference is inescapable that the additional clean animals were taken aboard to be eaten for food while Noah and his family were in the ark.
Prior to the flood, clean animals were usually offered as sacrifices. Those who ate the sacrifices often partook of the animal flesh, but vegetables were the main constituent of diet. After the flood God gave Noah not merely the green herb--vegetables--as the major part of diet, but of every type of living creature--clean animals, clean fish, clean fowl (Genesis 9:3 and Leviticus 11).
Genesis 9:3 does not say that every living, breathing creature is clean and fit to eat, but that "as the green herb have I given you all things." God did not give poisonous herbs as food. He gave man the healthful herbs. Man can determine which herbs are healthful, but man cannot by himself determine which flesh foods are harmful. That is why God had to determine for us in His Word which meats are clean. Since the flood every moving clean, healthful, nonpoisonous type of animal life is good for food--just as God gave us the healthful, nonpoisonous herbs.
This does not give us permission to do as we please!"
To read more about if All Animal Flesh GOOD FOOD? click here- http://books.wwcg-archives.com/
God's Church published a book on marijuana and it's effects to the human body. It answers the many questions as to whether marijuana is healthy or not.
New facts about Marijuana- http://
Many are arguing that Cannabis has some properties that our bodies make naturally, such as "Cannabinoids".
One site said "Cannabis, also known as marijuana, contains over 500 natural compounds. Cannabinoids make up at least 85 of those compounds. While some cannabinoids are psychoactive, others are not.
"Out of the 85 cannabinoids, two stand out: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC, known for its psychoactive properties, is the reason you feel buzzed after ingesting marijuana."
Further this site said: "Cannabinoids work by interacting with specific receptors. These receptors are located within different parts of the body, such as the central nervous system and immune system.
"Cannabinoids activate two types of receptors: CB1 receptors, located within the nervous system, the brain and nerve endings, and CB2 receptors, located within the immune system."
Another website says: "did you know that other herbs and spices also contain cannabinoids? A cannabinoid is a chemical compound that interacts with a large regulatory system in the body. That system is known as the Endocannabinoid System, and it’s responsible for maintaining homeostasis in our bodies. Homeostasis is the perfect internal balance required for optimum health."
So out of 500 compounds that marijuana has, only 85 deal with the "Endocannabinoid System of receptors in our bodies" specifically TWO are mentioned! THC and CBD.
But do you know that scientists are finding that "cannabinoids" are found in several herbs like "Coneflower – Echinacea", "Chocolate" and "black pepper" that deals with our "Endocannabinoid system" too?
But what about the other 415 compounds in marijuana? Can they have any detriment to the human body?
In fact the only properties they claim that Marijuana or Cannabis oil has is some of the very properties found in OTHER HERBS that ARE HEALTHY and that don't produce any of the damaging effects marijuana or cannabis has!!!
So God does have alternatives to eating POISON.
Mankind can attempt to take nutrients out of poisons and they can try to call it "healthy", but God created certain herbs and foods that had the nutrients in it ALREADY and was created by God to be HEALTHY! Yes Pork may have some nutrients the human body needs to function, but so does clean animals. However God did not design the pig to be eaten. God created all things for a purpose!
God did not purpose everything to be ingested by mankind!
He created clean and healthy food for our bodies to function properly and thrive! And He created the herbs we cannot eat, the animals we cannot eat, and so forth, but if we should eat of what God has not created to be eaten we suffer sickness and disease!
But none of these things can heal the human body. NOT ONE OF THEM! CLEAN OR UNCLEAN!
The clean foods God has created was created for our benefit, for our bodies to function smoothly and correctly, without sickness and without disease and without doing harm to the body!
For more information on healthy living and God's health laws please read "the Principles of Healthful Living" (http://
And again, Mr.Armstrong's article on "Is All Animal Flesh GOOD FOOD? click here- http://books.wwcg-archives.com/
But what about HEALING?
It is not any plant, animal, or doctor, healer, man or woman, that heals! It is ONLY GOD! And while this world led by Satan the Devil entices YOU to go and look to a plant or a poison that they have deemed healthy, or a "medicine" for healing- REMEMBER YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED OF GOD INTO HIS CHURCH! And God is a JEALOUS GOD!
The Plain Truth about Healing- http://
Satan wants to DESTROY FAITH! Faith in God!
And he wants to build your confidence and faith in some PLANT, some POISON, some DOCTOR, for you to look to HIM(Satan the Devil) though them for healing.
And many have decided to turn away from God, to go against the guidance of God's apostle and God's Church, to look to the god of EKRON- this present medical system for healing and cure!!! They have decided for themselves to choose what is right and wrong, taking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and rejecting the tree of LIFE!
They have left God's true Church and have turned to another false god. Perhaps some of those reading this article have done this without realizing it! IT IS NOT TOO LATE! You can REPENT quickly and turn to God with your whole heart and get yourself BACK ON THE TRACK! And save yourself from a world of troubles, caused by walking contrary to God and His Will.
Many have become "Cannabis Christians".
But God's true Church relies on God for healing.
True Christians do not need to accept what this world has decided to be their healer or cure-all. We understand how Satan is influencing and guiding them. They have been following their father Adam in choosing of the wrong tree since the garden of eden! But we are called to choose the tree of life! The tree of life has been opened to us! We ought not turn away from God to take of the wrong tree!
Are you a true Christian? Are you relying on God for healing? Are you trying to rationalize the taking of "cannabis oil" or marijuana, instead of turning to God for healing? Have you been researching yourself for the plants that God did deem healthy that do not contain the damaging effects as Marijuana does? There are HEALTHY alternatives! Alternatives that God created to help our bodies not damage them!
However none can heal but God. He alone has that power!
But Satan will present LYING MIRACLES in order to cause you to reject God! DON'T BE FOOLED!!
Ask God to give you the living FAITH of Jesus Christ!
Another booklet to read is- What is Faith? (http://
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