May all of our brethren around the world have a WONDERFUL, Sabbath Day, filled with God's Holy Spirit, all congregating together in the fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth.
We may be scattered, but when we keep God's Sabbath day Holy, and we go to listen to Mr.Herbert Armstrong on wwcg-archives.com, and we study the wonderful booklets and articles that have beenpreserved along with the Word of God, turning to every scripture, we are joining together in the true fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ on God's most glorious Sabbath day!
May we take this time and really draw close to God and to learn His way and Laws from HIS ministers and apostle.
May God bless everyone of you of God's true Church, though we may be scattered! And what a wonderful blessing it is to really fellowship with God and Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth on this Sabbath Day!
Don't forget to visit wwcg-archives.com.
In Christ's service,
The Herbert W Armstrong TV ARCHIVES Staff
wwcg-archives.com Staff
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