Thursday, September 22, 2016

Don't Feel Condemned

When we are facing the truth, we may feel like we are being condemned. It may feel to some that they are being condemned by this page when we point out the truth. We all are sinners, and we all have fallen short of the glory of God. No one is condemning you here. Satan is broadcasting the attitude of "feeling condemned" in order for you to give up. When God's people speak the truth, it hurts, but it is meant to encourage each other to not depart from it. But Satan spins it and clouds intentions, and brings each side to accusing each other. He broadcasts a wrong attitude of "condemnation" in order to discourage you, and you often will feel(as a result from Satan's broadcast) that the brother or sister in Christ that is coming to you with the truth is condemning or "judging" you. It's not that at all. We MUST NOT ALLOW SATAN TO WIN OUT in our personal battles! When it seems to be unbearable, turn to God in prayer and HE WILL DELIVER YOU! The devil and his demons wants to discourage you, they don't want you to be encouraged. That is what each one of us is going through and are battling. 
We all are on different learning stages in God's Church. When we are confronted in an area that God is showing we need growth in, we often find at times that we feel like we are condemned, that we
are not measuring up, like others are condemning us when they bring our faults to our attention. We cannot make it on our own human strength!! We have to turn to God for the help! Without God, without Christ, we can NEVER make the grade! But Satan wants us to give up when we are confronted with the truth, like it's a mountain too high to climb! Of course, we cannot make it alone. WE ARE NOT ABLE! Only with God's help we can make it! GOD IS ABLE! Only with God's help we can overcome!
No one is judging you here. We are battling the same things. But when Christ is showing you the truth, and Satan comes out of the woodwork to try to discourage you, turn against him not against the brother who is coming to you with your faults. Resist the Devil and he shall flee. Go to God. Perhaps God is trying to encourage you, and HELP YOU GROW SPIRITUALLY! But the devil wants us easily to get caught up in negativity, and being discouraged, feeling like we are condemned, when our brothers and sisters in the Church are just trying to encourage you IN THE TRUTH in pointing out our sins to us. 
And another thing, when you face someone who is barking back at you when you've come to them with the truth, remember they are battling the devil and his demons. They are in battle, whether they know it or not,with powers in high places and we must realize that, and help them in prayer instead of grabbing the Two by Four to wack them with.(We've all been guilty of this at one time or another)
We all are growing here. We all are in battle with the same devil, and the same demons, with the same foul attitudes and impulses and moods, the same broadcasts. It's time to get rid of the devil and stop the bickering and attacking each other, and allowing Satan to get us to feel we are being condemned. 
If someone is coming to us with something, take it to God. Don't allow yourself to feel condemned, because that is what Satan wants!
Perhaps God is showing us something that is hidden to us. Maybe we are IN condemnation with God's Word! But God wants us to repent and be encouraged that HE IS HELPING YOU BUILD HIS HOLY RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER! He doesn't want you to be condemned. Yes He is helping you, even by using some to point out things about you that isn't pretty!
But what about our relationship with God? Are we going to be self-righteous and think we don't have to change? Or are we going to turn to God on our knees, and allow Him to correct us, to encourage us, to forgive us?
It's something we all got to learn!

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