You are a individual. The Arab is an individual. The Jew is an individual. The American, the Brit, the French, Indian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Russian, every country, and every people are made up of individuals.
This world is made up of individuals. And every one thinks they are doing right. And most believe that they are serving a higher calling in their work.
But this world has been deceived! And world troubles are increasing. It's individual against individual. It's group against group. It's business against business. It's society against society. It's nation against nation. And in all of this confusion of political, religious, social problems, no one really wins.
It's because we are living according to the way of GET; to take for ourselves, to take from another, to destroy in order to take. This way has led to wars and every increasing world troubles.
But there was a man who brought the way of true peace, and prosperity for all peoples. He met with your Kings. Your Presidents. Your leaders. Your people.
He talked about the end result of the way of GET. And He talked about a better way; the way of GIVE and how an unseen hand from somewhere will SAVE MANKIND from ITSELF!
The Worldwide Church of God, supported this man then and it supports him today.
And we've been under attack since his death in 1986.
Herbert W Armstrong, was an Ambassador for World Peace without portfolio, who built bridges among nations and peoples, and talked of the way of GIVING, instead of the way of GET. The way of PEACE, rather than the way of war.
He made many of friends among leaders of nations. And the people of the Worldwide Church of God around the world supported him and his message.
We support the truth. Whether it is from the Arab, the Jew, the American, the Brit or any other individual. The truth is supported by the Worldwide Church of God.
Herbert W Armstrong spoke the truth, and we have been supporting him for over 80 years.
Our foundation is on the truth.
And we have been fighting for survival since 1986 because of our support of the truth. Many have tried to take the truth from us but we continue strong.
We understand this world is full of individuals, of nations, of countries, that want peace for their people. We too want peace for our peoples.
In this world of calamity, of troubles, those who support the truth must be united in the truth. And must help those who also support the truth.
The Worldwide Church of God helped many people's in the last 1,900 + years of existence.
We haven't been going out looking to get converts, but to help people, to shine as an example of goodwill, of right living, of the way of peace, of defenders of truth, and we have been persecuted greatly for it.
And so when we speak of a group, or about a society or others, we do so in order to defend our way of life, and the truth. Because our existence is at stake, we warn our fellow brethren to HOLD FAST to the truth, to never let it go, to never stop showing goodwill and love towards our neighbors; to never give up walking in the way of truth. To never compromise that truth.
Today, we are scattered across the globe. We still support Herbert Armstrong, and the message he brought, because we still believe the same truth.
To our peoples around the globe, though we see war, though we see troubles and perils, though we meet people who try to deceive us, who lie to us to gain us as their disciples, who try to kill us who won't defect to their lies, DON'T allow anyone to take you away from THIS TRUTH, and don't allow anyone to take your support and loyalty away from God's apostle Herbert W Armstrong. Those who support the truth, stand together!
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