Friday, September 2, 2016

Social Experiment on God's Church...or worst?

Watch this interesting video.

We don't agree with everything the producer of this video believes, but it is interesting what this video reveals.

After watching the video, read the rest of this post
Now look at it this way....

Let's ask: What if God's people are subject to this social experiment in a different fashion?

What if "groups" were formed, claiming to be apart of God's true Church, each claiming to be "the Church of God", and had the sole purpose to work on the wills of God's people?

The First step: Create a place where God's people feel like they can belong to. Like a "Church" or congregation. They must feel that they are fellowshipping with fellow brethren. That is key. 

Second step: Create a work where God's people feel they must participate in and support. And so the group claims to be doing or continuing the Work of God, or "the work of Herbert Armstrong" God's apostle. This creates a "group mentality", and is easier now for the group to introduce step #3.

Third Step: Introduce different doctrines or "New revelation" or "New understanding" subtly in order to gain stronger dependency from the membership. The group, introduces different teachings slowly, in order to bring the unknowing person to the condition where they now rely and depend on this "Church" and are participating in this church's work, and now really believes they are serving God all because certain triggers were placed in front of them so they could easily be trapped in this experiment.
Satan is a sly one!
And really, if you think about it, all of these COG groups are doing this. They are ensnaring God's people, using simple Psychology and the people's need to belong. Do research on the "Robbers Cave Experiment" and you'll be surprised of some tactics Satan is using against God's people.
Listen to Mr.Armstrong's World Tomorrow Radio message "The parable of the Tares", and listen to how this World is binding themselves up using this Psychology and really think about what is happening now to God's Church.
Is it any wonder why Christ says to HOLD FAST to what has been given to us by Christ's apostle Herbert Armstrong, lest any "man"(anyone other than God's true apostle) take your crown! Yes, that is what Satan is trying to do! He is trying to divert God's people away from Christ and into certain groups that he is inspiring to be risen up! 

Something to really think about brethren!

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