Sunday, September 4, 2016

"Give Us of your oil..."

We're interested in learning of how many of you see this playing out today right before our eyes.

Matthew 25:1-12 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

"They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

"While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept."

[Let us say something right here about this. Now Mr.Armstrong has made it clear that for over 1900 years the Church slept, not preaching the true gospel. From 53 A.D when the apostle Paul wrote that ANOTHER gospel(a false gospel) was suppressing the true gospel, until 1953 A.D when the true gospel went to the world over radio Luxemburg. It was from that time on, until his death, that the true gospel went into all nations as a witness(Matt. 24:14) through "his voice"(no other voice is there) and he was that voice that is "crying" in the religious, social, governmental confusion of our day- the End time Elijah! Review Rev. 3:11 and see how it pinpoints WHO cries and what he cries!]

"And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps."

[They started opening their Bibles! The lamp is the Word of God. This also pinpoints who it was done under, and what era it is done in- this CURRENT Philadelphia Era! Look at what happens NEXT!]

"And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out."

[Now the foolish had no oil, which typifies the Holy Spirit, and they went to those who had God's Holy Spirit and demanded UNDERSTANDING, and the various gifts of God, and the blessings that the wise virgins had from God!

Now remember all of these fellowshipped together under God's apostle, they all heard that "midnight cry" from Mr.Armstrong! They all started studying God's Word. But one group lacked spiritual contact with God, they were lacking in oil- God's Holy Spirit! Is that some of us? Do we lack any prayer and Bible Study and frequent fasting? Let us take that into thought. 

But now the foolish virgins demanded God's people to HELP THEM! These foolish virgins did not want to CHANGE themselves, they are okay with what they are! So they demanded those who "have" changed-who have submitted to God, who have repented and believed God and who have received the Holy Spirit, to GIVE TO THEM their oil! 

"Join us" these groups cry out!

"Pray with us", they ask of those who fellowship with them. "Ask for God's blessings to be given us" they plead. 

"Send us God's tithes" they plead. "So that we may be blessed by God".

They want God's people to support them and their group.

Have you seen this? 

Since Mr.Armstrong's time, we have seen group after group, breaking away from Christ and His Church, to believe what they want to believe, they all have departed from what God's apostle taught to them. But they want God's people to supply them with God's blessings! They want God's people to "give to them their oil"! And so they work to lure God's people to their group, and when some are deceived and drawn away by them, they call their group "blessed by God". But God today calls out to those of God's true Church- COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! Touch no unclean thing!
Doesn't this remind you of Revelation 3:11? 

That if you don't hold fast to what has been given to you by Christ through His apostle Herbert Armstrong, you will allow other "men" to take your crown! YES!

Yes, these foolish virgins demand God's people to supply them with their oil, and all the blessings God is giving to them(the wise virgins) because of their obedience to Him! 

These foolish virgins WATCH God's people!

They copy, and try to imitate God's people, trying to formulate God's blessings without obeying God!
This brings to our attention several who are trying to "out-do" this channel, who have started their own websites up in competition. 

But God's people- these wise virgins, tell the foolish virgins to go to God and buy of him the Holy Spirit! TO REPENT and believe God!

But the foolish virgins do not listen. 

But God's Word does reveal, that half of the laodiceans who hear the warning message from God's philadelphians(the wise virgins who hold fast to what was taught) will repent in the Great Tribulation and will be grafted in with the wise virgins! Those who do not repent- the foolish virgins WILL BE SHUT OUT OF GOD'S KINGDOM FOREVER! They will NOT marry Christ!]
"But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
[This is at Christ's second coming, when our bridegroom returns! If you give up God's Holy Spirit to fellowship with those who are not Holding fast to what was taught, who are NOT following Christ, then you will not have any of God's Holy Spirit, and these groups will not have any oil. The very reason Sardis became spiritually dead is because they allowed themselves to be taken away with false teachers and false brethren. And if you decide to go and join them, your end result will be that you have given up your spiritual crown of reward! Remember Rev. 3:11. ]
"Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not."
What about you brethren? Are you drawing closer to God? Are you working to OVERCOME? Or are you just wanting to receive God's blessings for disobedience?

Are you the wise virgin? Or the foolish virgin?


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