"Let the Bible Interpret the Bible
So many people write in to The WORLD TOMORROW and comment how much they enjoy MR. ARMSTRONG'S INTERPRETATION of the Bible. Over and over again you will hear Mr. Armstrong explain to the radio audience that it is NOT HIS INTERPRETATION that is being heard over The WORLD TOMORROW, BUT ONLY PLAIN BIBLE TRUTH!
In your edition of the King James Bible the book of Revelation will probably be entitled, "The Revelation of ST. JOHN THE DIVINE." This is an excellent example of MAN'S INTERPRETATION. Now in order for you to understand WHAT the book of Revelation IS -- WHOSE revelation it is, TO WHOM it was written and WHAT it is about -- all you have to do is read the first few verses of THE BOOK ITSELF! In fact the very first words of the very first verse DIRECTLY CONTRADICT MAN'S INTERPRETATION of the Bible with the plain Bible statement that this book is, THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!" (Rev. 1:1.)" - The Plain Truth August, 1964 TWELVE RULES for BIBLE STUDY [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"It is decidedly not Herbert W. Armstrong’s interpretation. Men ought never to interpret the Bible. The Bible gives us God’s own interpretation! "- 1) Proof of the Bible By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
2)WORLD PEACE - How It Will Come by Herbert W. Armstrong [http://
3) The Bible - SUPERSTITION OR AUTHORITY? by Herbert W Armstrong [http://
4) Just What Do You Mean Kingdom of God? By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
5) The Incredible Human Potential By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
6) Mystery of the Ages By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"The point we want to stress is that the Bible interprets its own symbols! If we want the truth, we must be guided solely by the Bible interpretation, not man's interpretations and imaginations.
And the Bible itself tells us what they represent! " Who or What is the Prophetic Beast by Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"This is not the interpretation of Herbert W. Armstrong. This is what JESUS CHRIST reveals!
JESUS CHRIST is the Revelator! Not John, not some modern church leader, not any man, not any religious organization, sect, or denomination. THIS is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST, which God the Father gave to HIM!" The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last! By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"Who has the right interpretation? The answer is that no man, no organization of men, whether religious or otherwise, has any power or ability to reveal this meaning. Only JESUS CHRIST was found worthy, and able, to make this meaning known. JESUS CHRIST is the Revelator! This is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST -- not of John- -not of any human religious leader, not of any sect, church, or religious society or organization! " The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last! By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear!
If we are to bring you the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, we certainly cannot bring you the popular interpretations you have been hearing from men -- from the great religious leaders of this world. " The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last! By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"The Church was infiltrated during the first century with another gospel. Many false teachings and false churches under the name of “traditional Christianity” arose. As God reveals in Revelation 12:9, the whole world has been deceived. These basic truths have been kept a mystery. Even sincere and well-meaning men among the clergy have received their teaching from other men as handed down traditionally in these churches. They have assumed these false teachings to be the true teachings of the Bible. Instead of putting the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle properly and sensibly together, it has become the practice and custom to read an already-believed false teaching into each particular scripture, taken out of context. In other words to interpret the scriptures to say what they have already been taught and come to believe. The Bible needs no interpretation because it interprets itself. This becomes clear when one sees the various scriptures of each subject properly put together, as the Bible itself says, “here a little, and there a little” (Isa. 28:10). Even the world of a professed traditional Christianity has been deceived. " Mystery of the Ages By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"And remember, this scripture needs no “interpretation” or “special meaning” or “hidden symbolism” for you to understand!" Mystery of the Ages By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"If the Spirit of God is leading you, it will direct you to understand the plain truths of His Word.
In addition, God's Spirit will show you that you should NEVER try to interpret the Bible: "... No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (II Peter 1:20).
Many cannot understand Scripture because they have not learned the Bible interprets itself! Many supposed contradictions occur because men have not learned to let the Bible interpret itself. Through diligent and earnest study, we can understand perplexing verses only in the light of other scriptures." Is God Calling You? by Alfred E. Carrozzo [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"The one most important fact students have found is that the Bible does interpret itself. These two letters explain it:
"What amazes me is that you ask the questions and tell us which scriptures to read and then the Bible itself explains it. I've heard you say many times on your radio broadcasts, 'Let the Bible interpret itself.' It really can and does, if people would only give it a chance. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this wonderful course."
Mrs. P. L., Youngstown, Ohio
"I just completed the first lesson of the Ambassador College Correspondence Course. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude. I think the only word that can describe my feeling is relief! At last a source with which to really study the Bible and learn from the Bible, instead of just taking someone else's interpretation. All my life I've heard people say: 'The Bible can be interpreted many ways.' I can't say that I believed or disbelieved that statement. I just didn't think about it. To me it was just an impressive book that everyone seemed to have. Now that I have respect for the Bible and am reading it, I feel that no interpretation is needed. It is plainly written. I am really looking forward to my next lesson."
W. G., Cincinnati, Ohio" WHY STUDY THE BIBLE IN THE SPACE AGE? by Richard H. Sedliacik [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"Today we have hundreds of interpretations of the Bible. But you never hear of hundreds of interpretations of a biology textbook. Why? Because biology textbooks do not rebuke and correct men.
Instead of acknowledging the truth, repenting of the sin, having it legally justified by the blood of Christ, men seek to justify their own acts by perverting the sacred and holy Word of God.
The time truly has long since come when the many will not endure sound doctrine (II Tim. 4:3-4). Men have turned away their ears from the truth and have turned unto fables. These fables are palmed off as the truth of God's Word.
These are the days when Isaiah prophesied men would demand, "Prophesy [preach] not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits" (Isa. 30:8-11)." How to Understand the Bible By Herbert W. Armstrong [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"In movie making the director is usually not the author of the book. So a film director will usually create an interpretation of a book from his particular perspective, taking the actors, scenery and special effects at his disposal into consideration.
Applying the analogy to us: God is the author of "the Book," and He is also the director of "the movie"! When we attempt to guess exactly how somewhat obscure prophecies will work out, we are, in effect, taking on a task that really belongs to the "director." And we put our interpretation on the script." You May Have Read the Book, But... By Frank W. Nelte [http://
"By its own admission, the Catholic Church bases its definition of the articles of faith on its OWN interpretation of the Scriptures AND TRADITIONS as explained in the writings of the early church "Fathers"! "And then it was approved by all, that THE TRADITIONS should be received as of equal authority with the Scriptures" ("History of the Council of Trent," page 145).
Any attempt to dispute their interpretation by use of plain Scripture is greeted, as it was at the time of this declaration, with the cry of "HERETIC" and branded as "Anathema"! "... the holy Scripture CANNOT BE EXPOUNDED AGAINST THE SENSE HELD BY THE HOLY MOTHER THE CHURCH, nor against the common consent of the Fathers" ("History of the Council of Trent," page 152)." CHRIST or ANTICHRIST? By David Jon Hill [http://
"Let's not put any interpretation upon the sacred Word of God. No scripture is of any private interpretation -- it is interpreted by other scriptures. It ought not to be interpreted by man. " LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN by Herbert W. Armstrong [http://
"You will hear what the Bible prophecies say is soon going to happen -- not vague, meaningless interpretations of man -- but the definite, specific events just as they are in YOUR BIBLE -- and just as they are SURE to happen -- and SOON! -- by a man who has the courage and the POWER to come right out and TELL these truths, definitely! Nobody else on earth has dared come right out with the SPECIFIC EVENTS soon to happen, as millions around the world have heard from this very work of God. For a quarter of a century, now, on "The WORLD TOMORROW" program, people have been hearing specific prophecies, before the events occurred -- and the events have been HAPPENING, precisely as our listeners have been forewarned.
YOUR BIBLE SAYS this whole world has been DECEIVED, with false gospels, and false spirits. That's hard to believe, I know -- but it's TRUE! The ORIGINAL GOSPEL of CHRIST HIMSELF -- and of PAUL and the original apostles -- actually sounds strange today! It's hard to believe -- but I want you to BRING YOUR BIBLES and SEE these astonishing TRUTHS with your own eyes in your own Bibles!" - 1958 Herbert W Armstrong Coworker Letter
"You are not going to read the traditional superstitions rejected by science and labeled by scientists “fundamentalism.” What follows is not a new “theory,” or interpretation, or human-devised idea. It is merely what the Book plainly says, without interpretation. It is only what has been written there through the centuries—yet expect to be surprised, shocked, to read what both “science” and “religion” have utterly glossed over! " Why Marriage! Soon Obsolete? By Herbert W. Armstrong [http://
"Avoiding denominational doctrines, ignoring human theological traditions, this article makes PLAIN exactly what the Bible SAYS, without any denominational or sectarian interpretation." Plain Truth Subscriber Letter May 27, 1969 By Herbert W Armstrong
"All right Ralphy boy, I'll look at ‘all His churches.' What a bickering mish-mash of contradictory concepts, superstitious incantations, hypocritical ministers and unconcerned members. Open your eyes, Ralph. You look at 'all His churches' — closeted in steepled sanctuaries and fighting among themselves about every absurd interpretation of every irrelevant doctrine. And all the while society tumbles from very bad to even worse.[...]
[...]"What's the purpose of these "Bible interpretations"? Very simple — muzzle the Bible and HIDE its God!
For 18½ centuries, the True Church of God was a small persecuted group of outcasts who met in private houses and hired halls (Rom. 16:5; Col. 4:15; Acts 28:30). It was not a "respected" religio-political system, like "Organized Churchianity" which is really baptized paganism!" Why DOES GOD HIDE HIMSELF? [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"God does not usually reveal all the truth respecting a particular subject in any one passage alone. "Whom shall He teach knowledge ? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? ... Precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little" (Isa. 28:9-10). To understand any general subject in the Bible, it is necessary to view all the scriptural evidence touching that particular subject. And we cannot read our inherited or desired meaning into any particular passage; for "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation," (II Pet. 1:20), but each passage is interpreted by, and in the light of, other texts. " WHAT KIND OF FAITH IS REQUIRED FOR SALVATION? by Herbert W. Armstrong [http://
"The Devil has many doctrines (I Tim. 4:1-4) but his CHIEF DOCTRINE is that of REBELLION — DISOBEDIENCE TO THE LAWS OF GOD — because he IS A REBEL! His is a system of confusion and he has caused this so-called Christian world to be so CONFUSED that there are over 400 different interpretations of WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS. This cannot be GOD'S Christianity! " [...]
[...] "DON'T ASSUME somebody is God's messenger even if he brings FIRE OUT OF HEAVEN! DON'T ASSUME somebody is God's messenger — and not Satan the Devil's tool — because HE says, "The Bible says."
Satan the Devil and ALL HIS HENCHMEN have been quoting the Bible since time immemorial. They have been and still are quoting it OUT OF CONTEXT and adding on Satan's favorite expression that GOD DOES NOT REALLY MEAN WHAT HE SAYS — and then adding THEIR OWN INTERPRETATION, THEIR OWN TRADITION, the COMMANDMENTS OF MEN that they have received from Satan."
WHAT IS THE DEVIL'S RELIGION? By David Jon Hill [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"No Private Interpretation:
"... NO PROPHECY OF THE SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION" (II Pet. 1:20). Many cannot understand scripture simply because they have not learned the Bible interprets itself! Many supposed contradictions occur because men have not learned to let the Bible interpret itself. Through diligent and earnest study, we can understand perplexing verses only in the light of other scriptures.
These simple principles serve as guides in enabling us to believe the truth. Because educational theories of men have been substituted in place of these rules, men fail utterly to comprehend the means God utilizes to call us to His truth. These principles are not discernible to the carnal mind uninfluenced by God's Spirit." How to KNOW You Are "Called" By Bryce Clark [http://
"But please, no interpretation — of any kind. We have said over and over again: "The Bible interprets itself." Just read what the words themselves say. Of course God allows you to decide whether or not you want to believe them. That's your prerogative. (But your decision will not alter the prophecies which will come to pass on schedule.) " [http://
"Several times -- in fact, almost every Festival -- someone on the grounds will approach one or two members, with an argument, or interpretation of his own of some point or question of Scripture, which is contrary to the doctrine of GOD'S OWN CHURCH.
Usually a crowd begins to gather quickly. It seems MANY are such "dumb sheep" -- so naive and unthinking, and ready to be deceived by Satan -- that they are ALL EARS at once! This sort of thing seems to stimulate a certain excitement -- an interest, to see what this fellow has to say, that many of you members just can't resist crowding up to hear him! It seems to fascinate you!
Now LISTEN TO GOD'S TEACHING! The Apostle Paul, speaking his farewell to the elders of the large Church of God at Ephesus, said:
"I KNOW THIS, that after my departing, shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also OF YOUR OWN SELVES shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:29-30).
The GREATEST DANGER OF ALL is when one who is among us, supposed to be one of us, approaches you with some doctrine or interpretation CONTRARY to that of God's Church, and of God's ministers.
Whether it be a so-called "Jehovah witness" or even one supposedly a member of God's own Church, remember THIS COMMAND:
"If there come ANY unto you" -- it does not say member of ANOTHER church -- it says if ANY come unto you -- "AND BRING NOT THIS DOCTRINE, RECEIVE HIM NOT INTO YOUR HOUSE ..." -- DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! " Should WE Listen to Others? By Herbert W Armstrong [http://
"Every other Church does what it feels is right. Or follows what some human being (or board of men) has set down as his precept of what is right by his own private interpretation of the Bible.
Let us look now at Isaiah 55. Beginning with the sixth verse, we read: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."
Notice that we must forsake OUR ways and turn to the ways of GOD. Thus we KNOW HIM IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (I John 2:4, 6). So God's true church is a church or group of scattered individuals who recognize God as RULER — as the SUPREME AUTHORITY REIGNING ON EARTH AT THE PRESENT TIME — recognizing that it is God who is working out His PURPOSE here below! "[...]
[...]"In II Peter 3:18 we find another sign of God's true church. True Christians are those who grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Here is another way of knowing which is GOD's true church. It is NOT a stagnant group, but a group that grows spiritually in GRACE and KNOWLEDGE.
A third means by which we know that we are God's True Church is the way we recognize the authority of the Bible. Look at II Timothy 3:16. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God [God's own way of speaking to us directly], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Brethren, there is the sign of those who are God's true people! Those who are overcoming, being chastened, recognize God as Supreme Authority, and know that the Bible is his inspired Word whereby He corrects us.
There is only one church or group of people on this earth that is doing this! If these things are true of you, then you are a member of GOD's CHURCH — a Christian — and should call yourself such, NOT an "Armstrongite," or a follower of any other human being.
NOW, if you are being led by God, chastened and rebuked by Him, daily acknowledging where you are wrong and turning from YOUR ways, and learning and living His ways, YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GOD'S TRUE CHURCH and not an "Armstrongite" or a member of "the Armstrong Movement." You should boldly tell people to whom you belong. Notice Paul's teaching in Acts 20:28: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the CHURCH OF GOD, which he hath PURCHASED with his own blood!" We belong to God! You are a member of the Church of God!"[...]
[...] "Tell your friends and acquaintances the TRUTH — do not be ashamed of God: Tell them you are a member of God's Church! You may say that Herbert W. Armstrong is your pastor, but NEVER say you are his follower. You must follow CHRIST, even as HE followed the Father! "[...]
[...] "but the TRUE CHURCH is not merely a legally incorporated society, but a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM entirely separate from human political jurisdiction or control. It is GOD's Church, ruled by GOD'S GOVERNMENT, as God Himself governs through those of His choosing. " - You Are Not An Armstringite! By Richard Armstrong [http://
"The way this passage of scripture has been misapplied is a good example of how most professing Bible students often pervert the intended meaning of God's word. Their principal trouble is that they stop too soon, They read just part of a passage of scripture, and then they interpret it.
This leads to confusion and differing human ideas. You should let the Bible interpret the Bible. Read ALL the passage in which a verse is contained, and then read the other places in the Bible which further explain the subject. This way you will get God's interpretation — not somebody's human opinion. " JUDGING and DISCIPLINE in God's Church [http://
"If you are listening to a sermon, learn to TAKE NOTES on that sermon. Not elaborate, burdensome notes, just jot down the main subject on which he is speaking, WHAT HE HAS SAID ABOUT IT and what he says you should do. Too many of you brethren merely quote a scripture, jotting down only the name of the book, chapter and verse. For example, if a minister is quoting Matthew chapter 5, verse 5, write down MATT. 5:5 AND ALONGSIDE IT jot down what he says this verse proves. Later, when you have the time, open your Bible and study it carefully. See that you not only learn it to satisfy your own mind, but that you learn it so thoroughly that you may be able to teach it to others later.
Always read a few verses before and after it until you're sure you understand the general subject with which the Bible is dealing. Then fix this valuable principle firmly in your mind.
Here's the big point! Where did the minister turn in the Bible to see how GOD INTERPRETED IT? Remember that no prophecy — or any other subject — of the Scripture is of any private interpretation (II Pet. 1:20)." HOW do YOU Study the Bible? By Jack Elliott [http://
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (II Peter 1:20, 21).
"You are not, then, allowed by God each to preach his own interpretations, but rather as Christ leads the TEAM!"
"We must always keep in mind that JESUS CHRIST is the living HEAD of the Church... He does NOT lead God's Work through the self-will of each minister or individual, each pulling his own direction to do his own thing.
"Jesus Christ leads God's Work through human leaders whom HE (not the members by vote) CHOOSES and works through."
Herbert W. Armstrong, "The Great Majestic God" [http://
"Jesus said to "search the Scriptures" (John 5:39), an activity for which the Bereans were commended (Acts 17:10-11). The point is that it is wise to survey all the particular prophecies bearing on a subject instead of rushing in with a snap judgment or some instant pet interpretation (II Peter 1:20). " Prophecy Comes Alive By K. Neil Earle [http://
"Let the Bible Interpret the Bible
So many people write in to The WORLD TOMORROW and comment how much they enjoy MR. ARMSTRONG'S INTERPRETATION of the Bible. Over and over again you will hear Mr. Armstrong explain to the radio audience that it is NOT HIS INTERPRETATION that is being heard over The WORLD TOMORROW, BUT ONLY PLAIN BIBLE TRUTH!
In your edition of the King James Bible the book of Revelation will probably be entitled, "The Revelation of ST. JOHN THE DIVINE." This is an excellent example of MAN'S INTERPRETATION. Now in order for you to understand WHAT the book of Revelation IS -- WHOSE revelation it is, TO WHOM it was written and WHAT it is about -- all you have to do is read the first few verses of THE BOOK ITSELF! In fact the very first words of the very first verse DIRECTLY CONTRADICT MAN'S INTERPRETATION of the Bible with the plain Bible statement that this book is, THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!" (Rev. 1:1.)" - The Plain Truth August, 1964 TWELVE RULES for BIBLE STUDY [http://wwcg-archives.com/
"This is not the interpretation of Herbert W. Armstrong. This is what JESUS CHRIST reveals!
JESUS CHRIST is the Revelator! Not John, not some modern church leader, not any man, not any religious organization, sect, or denomination. THIS is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST, which God the Father gave to HIM!" The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last! By Herbert W Armstrong [ http://
"If you are listening to a sermon, learn to TAKE NOTES on that sermon. Not elaborate, burdensome notes, just jot down the main subject on which he is speaking, WHAT HE HAS SAID ABOUT IT and what he says you should do. Too many of you brethren merely quote a scripture, jotting down only the name of the book, chapter and verse. For example, if a minister is quoting Matthew chapter 5, verse 5, write down MATT. 5:5 AND ALONGSIDE IT jot down what he says this verse proves. Later, when you have the time, open your Bible and study it carefully. See that you not only learn it to satisfy your own mind, but that you learn it so thoroughly that you may be able to teach it to others later.
Always read a few verses before and after it until you're sure you understand the general subject with which the Bible is dealing. Then fix this valuable principle firmly in your mind.
Here's the big point! Where did the minister turn in the Bible to see how GOD INTERPRETED IT? Remember that no prophecy — or any other subject — of the Scripture is of any private interpretation (II Pet. 1:20)." HOW do YOU Study the Bible? By Jack Elliott [http://
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