Ephesians 6:1, "Children, OBEY your parents in the Lord: for this is right."
"Brethren, I have said many times that all you who have God's Holy Spirit are directly or indirectly my spiritual children in the Lord.
"Jesus Christ, the living HEAD of God's Church, started and built the present era of the Church.
"But He used me as His human instrument and ONLY APOSTLE OF OUR TIME in this powerful WORLDWIDE Work. We are in the very LAST DAYS of this present evil world of Satan's. Satan knows he now has but a SHORT TIME. "
- Brethren/Co-Worker Letter June 28, 1978
"I say to you ministers! You may feel you have grown so great in the ministry that you are greater than I and so strong you can overpower Satan. THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT SATAN WANTS YOU TO THINK! No, you ministers - directly or indirectly my CHILDREN in the Lord - better teach your flocks what I am teaching them here - what CHRIST teaches them."
- Article- What You May Not Know by Herbert W Armstrong August 28, 1978 Issue Good News Magazine
"But just as, once Job came to REALIZE his sin of SELF-righteous-ness and repent of it, God restored to him TWICE AS MUCH as he had before, even so, my brethren -- my own children in the Lord -- God will restore to us and His Work double or much more than double, once HIS PURPOSE, as I stated above, has been accomplished.
"My children in the Lord, WE NEED TO GO TO OUR KNEES! We need to FAST and PRAY! True, I need you to stand back of me now as never before in specially generous offerings to fight this monstrous miscarriage of justice -- but even more YOU need -- TO DRAW CLOSER TO OUR WONDERFUL AND GREAT GOD.
"Don't ever worry about God or Christ forsaking us or His Work. HE WON'T! We need to be concerned about whether we have begun to veer away to some extent FROM HIM -- have WE unknowingly begun partly to forsake HIM?"
- Brethren/Co-Worker Letter January 18, 1979
"Directly or indirectly, you are all MY children in the Lord. This Church is GOD'S Church. Jesus Christ is its living HEAD. He chose and has used me as His apostle -- as His human servant and instrument through whom HE, not just I, raised up all this Church. It was God the Father who called me, and later all of you. Jesus Christ founded and built God's Church. He raised up and built the present Philadelphia era of God's Church. But He used me as the human instrument in so doing.
"WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR BELIEF -- THE DOCTRINES WE ALL HOLD SO DEARLY? Every doctrine -- every point of belief, you received directly or indirectly through me as Christ's apostle!
"Jesus Christ built this entire Work. But He caused me to work as hard and as diligently as if I had built it -- only, if I had tried to do it WITHOUT Him, as others have tried to build THEIR OWN CHURCHES, it would have fallen flat long ago."
- Article- SATAN INTENSIFIES PERSECUTION by Herbert W Armstrong June 16,1980 Worldwide News
"When the Pharisees came to Jesus they said we be not born of fornication - they were accusing Christ of having been a bastard. They wouldn't admit that He had been begotten of God by the Holy Spirit. They were guilty of what they accused Him. They said they were Abraham's children, and He said that if they were Abraham's children they would do the works of Abraham, but you are the children of Satan, your father. He is a liar and you are a liar. I can show you more than one scripture, which shows that the unconverted people of this world are the children of Satan. The people in the Church today directly or indirectly are my children in the Lord. But those that are unconverted, whether they realize it or not are actually children of Satan and so were all of us until we were brought in."
- Bible Study 1 Corinthians 5-6 by Herbert W Armstrong Tuscon 09-08-1980
"Verse 14: "I do not write this to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children." And I say that to all that will hear this Bible Study. You are all one way or another my children in the Lord, just as these people were Paul's children.
"Verse 15: "For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel."
"Verse 16: "I urge you then, be imitators of me (or follow me)."
- "Bible Study 1 Corinthians 3-4 by Herbert W Armstrong Tuscon 08-02-1980
Ephesians 6:1-3, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."
We are all children in the Lord. Our Mother is the Church. Our Father in the Lord, in whom Christ has worked and has given instruction through, is God's apostle Mr.Herbert W Armstrong.
God the Father in heaven is our father, but His Work as our father, is being done through His Son Jesus Christ, and He has worked through His apostle. And so in the Lord, Mr.Armstrong is our father.
The true Church will be protected in a place of safety, while World War 3, the Great Tribulation,is raining upon our brethren who did not obey or Honor God by this simple command.
Yes, Christ has given us PROMISE of protection in a place of safety! The Philadelphians have not denied God's Word, nor have they denied His Name! Herbert W Armstrong came in His Name! He is our spiritual father, under Christ, whom God is using to bring about HIS CHILDREN! And to recognize the apostle's leadership, to HOLD FAST, knowing that God is working through him, andhow God is OUR FATHER, we must obey and Honor God, by submitting to His apostle.
This is why Christ admonishes us to HOLD FAST to what has been given to us through His apostle! It is GOD'S WORK!
To Hold Fast, indicates that something is being taken away. And Jesus Christ is telling us TO HOLD FAST TO WHAT HAS BEEN TAUGHT TO US, AND TO HOLD FAST TO WHAT IS BEING TAKEN, Now what is being taken brethren? The CHURCH! The Church is going to be taken to a place of safety! Why? Because those who HOLD FAST TO WHAT WAS TAUGHT, ARE THOSE TAKEN! THEY HONORED GOD! THEY SERVED HIM! THEY OBEYED HIM! They did not forsake Him. They did not let loose of what was taught and they did not let loose of the apostle!
So those who are holding fast, will be those taken away from this world scene at the time of the Great Tribulation- PROTECTED in a Place of safety.
Christ is telling His Church, that if you don't hold fast...The Church will be taken away WITHOUT YOU, and you will lose your crown of being a Philadelphian, and then you'll have to lay down your life, your head at the Guillotines for Christ because you was LUKEWARM, Laodicean in Attitude!
The laodicean brethren who have lost prayful contact with God, are going to lose their heads and their lives because they did not HOLD FAST.
But God has given us a promise, not only in Rev. 3:10 & Rev. 12:14, but also in Ephesians 6:1-3!!!
Ephesians 6:1-3, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."
Are we obeying God? Are we honoring Him and the Church? Are we HOLDING FAST as Christ our husband admonishes us to do?
Herbert W Armstrong was a father to us in the Lord. He came representing Jesus Christ! Are we going to honor Him, by continuing in what He has taught through His apostle?
To put it clearly, Herbert W Armstrong is God's messenger, who was sent by Christ to deliver the Father's message. So when we heed and obey what Herbert Armstrong has taught, knowing that He is delivering a message from Christ, then as we walk with Christ(Who is the way), we are submitting to Him and honoring God by receiving His Messenger, His Apostle. This goes back to Luke 10 & Matthew 10. And back to John 6:29.
"Brethren, I have said many times that all you who have God's Holy Spirit are directly or indirectly my spiritual children in the Lord.
"Jesus Christ, the living HEAD of God's Church, started and built the present era of the Church.
"But He used me as His human instrument and ONLY APOSTLE OF OUR TIME in this powerful WORLDWIDE Work. We are in the very LAST DAYS of this present evil world of Satan's. Satan knows he now has but a SHORT TIME. "
- Brethren/Co-Worker Letter June 28, 1978
"I say to you ministers! You may feel you have grown so great in the ministry that you are greater than I and so strong you can overpower Satan. THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT SATAN WANTS YOU TO THINK! No, you ministers - directly or indirectly my CHILDREN in the Lord - better teach your flocks what I am teaching them here - what CHRIST teaches them."
- Article- What You May Not Know by Herbert W Armstrong August 28, 1978 Issue Good News Magazine
"But just as, once Job came to REALIZE his sin of SELF-righteous-ness and repent of it, God restored to him TWICE AS MUCH as he had before, even so, my brethren -- my own children in the Lord -- God will restore to us and His Work double or much more than double, once HIS PURPOSE, as I stated above, has been accomplished.
"My children in the Lord, WE NEED TO GO TO OUR KNEES! We need to FAST and PRAY! True, I need you to stand back of me now as never before in specially generous offerings to fight this monstrous miscarriage of justice -- but even more YOU need -- TO DRAW CLOSER TO OUR WONDERFUL AND GREAT GOD.
"Don't ever worry about God or Christ forsaking us or His Work. HE WON'T! We need to be concerned about whether we have begun to veer away to some extent FROM HIM -- have WE unknowingly begun partly to forsake HIM?"
- Brethren/Co-Worker Letter January 18, 1979
"Directly or indirectly, you are all MY children in the Lord. This Church is GOD'S Church. Jesus Christ is its living HEAD. He chose and has used me as His apostle -- as His human servant and instrument through whom HE, not just I, raised up all this Church. It was God the Father who called me, and later all of you. Jesus Christ founded and built God's Church. He raised up and built the present Philadelphia era of God's Church. But He used me as the human instrument in so doing.
"WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR BELIEF -- THE DOCTRINES WE ALL HOLD SO DEARLY? Every doctrine -- every point of belief, you received directly or indirectly through me as Christ's apostle!
"Jesus Christ built this entire Work. But He caused me to work as hard and as diligently as if I had built it -- only, if I had tried to do it WITHOUT Him, as others have tried to build THEIR OWN CHURCHES, it would have fallen flat long ago."
- Article- SATAN INTENSIFIES PERSECUTION by Herbert W Armstrong June 16,1980 Worldwide News
"When the Pharisees came to Jesus they said we be not born of fornication - they were accusing Christ of having been a bastard. They wouldn't admit that He had been begotten of God by the Holy Spirit. They were guilty of what they accused Him. They said they were Abraham's children, and He said that if they were Abraham's children they would do the works of Abraham, but you are the children of Satan, your father. He is a liar and you are a liar. I can show you more than one scripture, which shows that the unconverted people of this world are the children of Satan. The people in the Church today directly or indirectly are my children in the Lord. But those that are unconverted, whether they realize it or not are actually children of Satan and so were all of us until we were brought in."
- Bible Study 1 Corinthians 5-6 by Herbert W Armstrong Tuscon 09-08-1980
"Verse 14: "I do not write this to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children." And I say that to all that will hear this Bible Study. You are all one way or another my children in the Lord, just as these people were Paul's children.
"Verse 15: "For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel."
"Verse 16: "I urge you then, be imitators of me (or follow me)."
- "Bible Study 1 Corinthians 3-4 by Herbert W Armstrong Tuscon 08-02-1980
Ephesians 6:1-3, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."
We are all children in the Lord. Our Mother is the Church. Our Father in the Lord, in whom Christ has worked and has given instruction through, is God's apostle Mr.Herbert W Armstrong.
God the Father in heaven is our father, but His Work as our father, is being done through His Son Jesus Christ, and He has worked through His apostle. And so in the Lord, Mr.Armstrong is our father.
The true Church will be protected in a place of safety, while World War 3, the Great Tribulation,is raining upon our brethren who did not obey or Honor God by this simple command.
Yes, Christ has given us PROMISE of protection in a place of safety! The Philadelphians have not denied God's Word, nor have they denied His Name! Herbert W Armstrong came in His Name! He is our spiritual father, under Christ, whom God is using to bring about HIS CHILDREN! And to recognize the apostle's leadership, to HOLD FAST, knowing that God is working through him, andhow God is OUR FATHER, we must obey and Honor God, by submitting to His apostle.
This is why Christ admonishes us to HOLD FAST to what has been given to us through His apostle! It is GOD'S WORK!
To Hold Fast, indicates that something is being taken away. And Jesus Christ is telling us TO HOLD FAST TO WHAT HAS BEEN TAUGHT TO US, AND TO HOLD FAST TO WHAT IS BEING TAKEN, Now what is being taken brethren? The CHURCH! The Church is going to be taken to a place of safety! Why? Because those who HOLD FAST TO WHAT WAS TAUGHT, ARE THOSE TAKEN! THEY HONORED GOD! THEY SERVED HIM! THEY OBEYED HIM! They did not forsake Him. They did not let loose of what was taught and they did not let loose of the apostle!
So those who are holding fast, will be those taken away from this world scene at the time of the Great Tribulation- PROTECTED in a Place of safety.
Christ is telling His Church, that if you don't hold fast...The Church will be taken away WITHOUT YOU, and you will lose your crown of being a Philadelphian, and then you'll have to lay down your life, your head at the Guillotines for Christ because you was LUKEWARM, Laodicean in Attitude!
The laodicean brethren who have lost prayful contact with God, are going to lose their heads and their lives because they did not HOLD FAST.
But God has given us a promise, not only in Rev. 3:10 & Rev. 12:14, but also in Ephesians 6:1-3!!!
Ephesians 6:1-3, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."
Are we obeying God? Are we honoring Him and the Church? Are we HOLDING FAST as Christ our husband admonishes us to do?
Herbert W Armstrong was a father to us in the Lord. He came representing Jesus Christ! Are we going to honor Him, by continuing in what He has taught through His apostle?
To put it clearly, Herbert W Armstrong is God's messenger, who was sent by Christ to deliver the Father's message. So when we heed and obey what Herbert Armstrong has taught, knowing that He is delivering a message from Christ, then as we walk with Christ(Who is the way), we are submitting to Him and honoring God by receiving His Messenger, His Apostle. This goes back to Luke 10 & Matthew 10. And back to John 6:29.
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