Friday, September 30, 2016

US hands over "Stewardship" over Internet to UN

Tonight, September 30, will mark the historic event of the United States no longer having internet stewardship.That is right. Tonight at midnight, the United States will no longer have stewardship of the internet. Some in this nation are trying to stop that from happening. But it looks like it very well could happen!
Some are expressing that the United Nations will rush in to gain the stewardship. Some are expressing that Brussels will do it. Perhaps a "United States of Europe" will grab for this power? And why wouldn't they?
In any case, this Work is coming to a close brethren. The United States is handing internet stewardship over to a private corporation, not governed by the first amendment. The first amendment being what protects the true Church of God in this country.
When the United States of Europe is formed,(and we see that happening right before our eyes) the first action of this new world government, this revival of the Holy Roman Empire, will be to stop the Work of God!!!! And when that happens, the count-down commences! PRAY THAT GOD'S WILL BE DONE!!! WATCH AND PRAY THAT YOU ARE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE WHAT IS COMING(The Great Tribulation), AND THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO STAND BEFORE JESUS CHRIST WHEN HE RETURNS!
Events are gaining speed!
Our Father in heaven has been trying to SHAKE HIS CHURCH AWAKE, so we may be READY! And He has been guiding His Church to get back on the track! For 30+ years He has been testing His people. Who loves His Truth, and who doesn't. Those who love His Truth, are holding fast to it, and they have been cast out and have left the fellowship of these false COG groups because they loved God and His Truth and wasn't throwing it away to swallow Satan's watered down, vomit like doctrines and ways!
It is time, like never before, TO PRAY, and to draw close to God!
Because, brethren, we MAY only have a short time left to!!!!

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