How Satan is counterfeiting the Worldwide Church of God
Jesus Christ founded the one true Church of God on the day of Pentecost, in June, A.D. 31.
Two churches are foretold in the book of Revelation.
ONE: Rev 17:5: "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." Pictured as ruling over nations speaking different languages—This False Church is large, strong, powerful.
TWO: the true Church of God. Rev 12. A small, persecuted church, having to flee for her safety.
The true Church of God, holding to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of Christ and the apostles, soon had to go underground, meeting for services in secret. Millions were tortured and put to death for their faith.
But the TRUTH of Jesus Christ and the apostles was preserved by the persecuted "little flock," and in its fullness in the Holy Bible.
The Worldwide Church of God(an unincorporated spiritual organism) today holds to the SAME FAITH, same doctrines, same customs and practices, as the original Church of A.D. 31, under the original apostles.
Today, Satan is using the Church he started in 33 A.D through Simon the Sorceror, and continued through his successors at Rome, the Popes, and this Church has grown into what is now called the Roman Catholic Church. It has been the long established goal of the Catholic Church to become the "Universal(Catholic) Church of God", over all the world politically. Yes, they too call themselves "the Church of God".
In the first century, this great false Church, was formed out of several bickering "Churches of God", who didn't want the persecution from the governments of this world, and so they went and married them by contract. And that is how the Roman Catholic Church was formed. And then they worked as a "network" to hunt down our brethren, to torture and to kill those who opposed Catholic rule.
That is what happened when Christ's apostles were killed.
Is that not what is happening today after God's apostle Herbert Armstrong has died?
Groups, claiming to be "the Church of God", trying to gain members from the Worldwide Church of God, the same Church Christ started in 31 A.D, were not teaching the same doctrines as Christ had given through His chosen apostles.
They each were competing with each other, but when persecution and tribulation came, they quickly joined together with the governments of this world and turned to go after God's true Church!
Take a look at these COG groups brethren. Who are they targeting? Specifically the members of the Worldwide Church of God! Each of them wanting more membership for themselves.
Would it be a surprise to see the Catholic Church return to it's roots and call itself openly once again "The Church of God"?
No it would not be!
And since this would be Satan's last chance before he is removed by Christ at His second coming, would not Satan take the opportunity to name his great false Church the name of God's true Church? Would it be surprising to see them call themselves "The Worldwide Church of God"?
But they are not the Worldwide Church of God! They are not even close!
Satan and this Babylonian world, believes that they destroyed God's true Church(Worldwide Church of God) by destroying the mere corporation. But the Worldwide Church of God, the people have not been destroyed.
In fact, Satan is trying to trick people into calling themselves members of another church. This is why you see PCG, RCG, LCG, UCG. They are not the Worldwide Church of God, and if they can get God's people to forsake their name as given by God through Herbert Armstrong, to take on the name of these new groups, they believe they can finally destroy God's true Church! Because GOD HAS PREPARED THE WAY THROUGH HERBERT ARMSTRONG! But the few who are holding fast, are not giving up what has been taught to them by Christ's apostle! They are still the Worldwide Church of God! It is just not a corporation, but a spiritual organism.
But Satan will try to deceive God's people even more! And we better be aware!
The Roman Catholic Church is NOT the Worldwide Church of God. They never were!
But we, the brethren of the Worldwide Church of God, are still here. We are holding fast to what was taught. And Christ will lead this Church into the Place of Safety, and on into the World Tomorrow! If we endure, if we overcome.
And this great apostasy we are now facing, is Satan trying to get us to let loose of God's truth and God's apostle! And it is because God has prepared the way through Herbert Armstrong, and Satan does not want that way prepared, because we are being trained to replace him along with Christ at His second coming.
So be aware brethren! And watch as Satan will try to counterfeit God's true Church even more!
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